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Thanks for your interest in the Choroidal Melanoma research study.

You took the first step towards exploring a new potential treatment option and participating in the study!

The next step is a 10-minute conversation with a Leapcure team member to see if this may be the right option for you...

What to Expect

Schedule a call

Find time for a ~10-minute call with a Leapcure Patient Success Coordinator

Have a conversation

Chat with Leapcure to learn more about the study, determine your eligibility, and whether it is the right option for you

Connect with the local clinical site

Speak with the site team to confirm your interest and begin the pre-screening process to further determine your eligibility (they will check your medical records)

Visit the site and screen

Head on over to the site to meet with the physician and be screened for the study

Participate in the study

Head on over to the site to meet with the physician and be screened for the study

If, at any point, you feel that this is not the right fit for you, then no worries! You can withdraw at any time.

Frequently Asked Questions

What will happen during the 10-minute conversation?

A member of Leapcure’s Patient Success team will share more information about the study, including pertinent details like study duration, visit frequency, clinic location, and more (and feel free to ask any and every question!). The Patient Success team member will also review your answers to our online screener and confirm your eligibility. At the end of the call, you will be able to decide whether or not you’d like your information shared with the closest clinical site (if you decide that this is not for you, then your information will not be shared!). From there, the team at the clinical site will reach out to confirm your medical background and schedule you for a screening visit. That is the first step towards participating in the study!

What are clinical trials?

Clinical trials are the primary way for researchers to determine if investigational research treatments are safe and effective. Clinical trials typically involve some sort of intervention such as a drug, a vaccine, device, or procedure and a series of assessments to measure specific outcomes in the participants. Every clinical trial is led by a principal investigator at each investigative site. The principal investigator is often a medical doctor, and is supported by a research team that may include doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals.

Why would someone participate?

Joining a clinical trial is voluntary and a very personal decision. Some participants choose to join a trial because it allows them to receive an investigational drug or vaccine that is researched for a specific disease. Some patients are motivated by the idea that their participation contributes to research that could change lives globally and help people struggling with the effects of this disease. When considering participating, the most important thing is ensuring you are fully informed of the trial process and that participating is in your best interest.

If I'm thinking about participating, should I tell my doctor?

Absolutely. We always recommend that you involve your doctor in any medical decisions you make to ensure it is in your best interest and health.

How do I know if I can join a clinical study?

All clinical trials have guidelines that determine who can participate; these are called eligibility criteria. The factors that allow you to participate in a clinical trial can include age, gender, the type and stage of your disease, previous treatment history, and other medical conditions. For more information about whether you are eligible for this study, please schedule time to speak with a member of the Leapcure Patient Success team.

Are clinical studies safe?

An Institutional Review Board (IRB) or Ethics Committee (EC) reviews clinical trials to ensure appropriate steps are taken to protect the rights and welfare of individuals participating in clinical research. All research presented is reviewed by the IRB/EC. It is important to bring any specific concerns to the site when they contact you as they have access to other information about the study.

Who is Leapcure? Is Leapcure running the study?

Leapcure does not conduct clinical research, but we support clinical trials through patient outreach and site (where the study takes place) assistance. In addition, we partner with patient advocacy groups and serve as a liaison between patients, sites, and study sponsors to ensure the best possible experience for patients. In other words, we serve as your point of contact and help connect you with the site where the study is taking place.

How did you get my information?

You submitted your information through our questionnaire advertised digitally across numerous websites.

When will the clinical trial start? How can I learn more?

The study is now recruiting! The next step is to speak to a member of the Leapcure Patient Success team to confirm eligibility.

Will this cost me anything?

The investigational study drug and study procedures required by the study plan will be provided at no cost. Your nearby site can also share more information about having costs related to travel and accommodations covered if needed.

The next step is a 10-minute conversation with a member of the Leapcure team

Schedule a call